Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Xiaomi, Welcome to Philippines

Xiaomi, a chinese smartphone manufacturer lately expanded it's fields by opening their franchise here in the Philippines.

It created a hype because Xiaomi is known for their cheap but highly capable smartphones, like the RedMi and Mi3

Xiaomi started as a software maker known for their highly customized Android UI called MiUi and then they expanded their bussiness into smartphone industry that has increasing number of franchises throughout Asia.

For some who are doubting about the quality of their phones. Try to get a hand on it first before criticizing because "A book is not judged by it's cover" referring to the fact that all of their phones are made in China.

So again Xiaomi ! Welcome to the Philippines, I'm sure local brands will be challenged by the increasing number of chinese manufacturers here in the Philippines, it's all about competetiveness.

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